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ESG Performance

We closely monitor our sustainability progress and as a member of UN Global Compact we are contentiously working on improving our reporting processes and the data tracking on all ESG aspects. Our purpose - connect a greener world - is rooted in our sustainability efforts and visualizing our journey through data makes it come alive in the corporate annual reports.
To monitor our progress on sustainability, we have targets in place based on our relevant policies and corresponding data is collected and validated on an ongoing basis. Current targets can be found in the latest Sustainability Report and the relevant data below. 

ESG ratings

Environment, Social and Governance performance

We are a responsible company striving to improve our performance within the areas of environment, social and governance (ESG) and are assessed in several ESG ratings made by external and independent agencies.
Image of logo sustainalytics
0 - 10
10 - 20
20 - 30
30 - 40
Lower ratings are better
  • As of December 2023, NKT A/S received an ESG Risk Rating of 20.8 from Morningstar Sustainalytics and was assessed to be at medium risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors
Image of MSCI ESG Rating
Higher ratings are better
  • In 2023, NKT received a rating of AA in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment
  • It places us in the group among Leaders
Image of logo ecovadisplatinum
0 - 57Bronze
58 - 65
66 - 72
73 - 80
81 - 100
Higher ratings are better
  • Rated Gold with a score of 79 out of 100 in 2024 within the industry category "manufacture of wiring and wiring devices"
  • It places NKT among 5% best companies in total. 
CDP logo.png
Higher Ratings are better
  • NKT A/S received an A- which is in the Leadership band. This is higher than the Europe regional average of B, and higher than the Metal products manufacturing sector average of C.
You can find more details on the rating providers Sustainalytics, MSCI,  EcoVadis and CDP on their respective websites.
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The use by NKT of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates ("MSCI") data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of NKT by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided 'as-is' and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.

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