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two engineers working in front of computer, technique


Our people are a key enabler and we are dedicated to building a diverse organization founded on an inclusive culture and driven by engaged employees.
We promote diversity and inclusion across our organization and are committed to supporting the global transition towards renewable energy based on rules for responsible and ethical behaviour defined in our Code of Conduct.

Diversity and inclusion

We care

We are committed to fostering a diverse organization and a culture where people from different backgrounds can thrive and are inspired to perform at their best. We believe that a diverse organization enables sustainable performance, and that an inclusive and welcoming culture makes for a better place to work. The Board of Directors of NKT A/S has set the following gender diversity target:
By 2025, at least 30% female representation in the Global Leadership Team and the Extended Leadership Team and 40% in the Board of Directors.

Diversity & Inclusion Score

Maximum is 100

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People programs

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Talent attraction, development and management

NKT has a strategic focus on expanding opportunities for employee and talent development across its organization via corporate programs and processes. This includes proactively developing and deploying identified talents in the company as well as attracting talents by continuously strengthening the company's employer brand in professional areas relevant to its future performance.

People welfare and performance

At NKT, we support collective bargaining agreements and strives to provide fair and competitive compensation. Furthermore, the company respects and abides by local labour law, and supports freedom of association, and all employees have contracts complying with local laws and regulations. For more information go to code of conduct page.

Engineers for the future

NKT is growing in order to meet the increasing demand for power cable technology for the green transition and attracting, developing and retaining talents is of high strategic importance to the corporate growth journey. We have high demands for technical competencies to continue to support the transition to renewable energy. As a leading company in the power cable industry, we naturally take part in nurturing the global pipeline of engineering talents. To support the growth, we continue to grow the NKT Trainee Program, an international 12 month program running over several of our business areas and locations.


NKT graduate program

Give your career a powerful start!
Read more
Image of trainees in production in Karlskrona

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Fair, sustainable - and accountable
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