NKT cables ensure high quality
One component that’s key in every single electrical installation is a cable. Therefore, Ølholm El has chosen to work with cables that live up to the highest standards in terms of quality and sustainability.
“We’re applying NKT cables in all our projects and we’ve done so for years. If we use other products that are more fragile, the consequences can be quite dire as we can’t just change the cables again afterwards. It’s extremely important that we can rely on the products and their durability. NKT’s cables allow us to do so” - says Kurt Aagaard, Managing Director at Ølholm El.
Ølholm El are responsible for the electricity in all newly constructed Preben Jørgensen Houses. By choosing cables from NKT for these houses, Ølholm Øl ensures that the cables are of the highest quality and don’t contain harmful chemicals. So when the home’s installations are to be changed or updated one day, the metal and plastic in the cables can be disassembled and the entire products can be reused.
So even though the cables aren’t visible to the naked eye, they’re pretty easy to spot on the environmental balance sheet once the construction is done.