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Donating for people in need

Dec 21, 2021

It has become a long tradition among our colleagues to organize a Christmas charity. By collecting gifts and money, they are bringing a Merry Christmas to people in need.

It is a matter close to our heart to care for our fellow humans, especially those ones who are not as fortunate as we are. That is why every year during Christmas season, our colleagues in Alingsås, Berlin and Nordenham are collecting gifts and money for associations that support people in need.
This year, our colleagues have collected donations for the following local associations:
  • Lions Club Alingsås: The monetary donation to Lions Club Alingsås helps people to afford daily necessities such as food and clothes.
  • Berliner Tafel: Our Berlin colleagues have spent one day at Berliner Tafel and supported the association in filling bags with fresh food for people in need.
  • Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Nordenham: Packages with Christmas gifts for children have been packed by our colleagues in Nordenham. With the gifts, we hope that we can make the childrens' hearts beat a little faster and bring them a Merry Christmas.
We would be glad if you join us in supporting these associations and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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