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Innovation: at the heart of everything we do

For more than 130 years, NKT has remained committed to cable innovation and technological advancements. Continuously seeking new solutions and applications, we aim to take on the mantle of cable innovators to meet current market demands, fulfil customer needs, and prepare for future demands.
Test hall in Karlskrona for DC solution innovations
Our development process leverages our extensive in-house experience, ensuring that every innovation is built on a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise.
NKT is dedicated to maintaining a constant focus on research and development to deliver responsible and innovative cable products and solutions.
We continuously invest in developing technology that elevates our NKT solutions and products to the next level, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our customers and the market.

Discover our innovations

525 kV extruded HVDC cable systems

Our record-breaking 525kV extruded HVDC cable system doubles transmission capacity over longer distances, enabling greater integration of renewables by power interconnections to the grid.

640 kV extruded HVDC cable systems

The world's most powerful underground power transmission cable system is the latest result of our intensive investment in research and development in the field of HVDC transmission technology.

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Fair, sustainable - and accountable
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