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HV Offshore Baltic project preparation

Baltic 1, Germany

30 kV in-field and 150 kV export cables for Germany's first commercial windfarm - 80 km total length

Key Facts


Vattenfall Europe Baltic Offshore Grid GmbH / EnBW Erneuerbare Energien GmbH

Total cable route length

60 km of 150 kV cables and 20 km of 30 kV cables

Location of the project

Baltic Sea, Germany


2009 - 2011

Quantity of order

150 kV HVAC export cable system with a 48.3 MW power rating and 30 kV MVAC infield cable system


HV Offshore Baltic project cable laying
HV Offshore Baltic project
HV Offshore Baltic project cable storage

The project

The offshore wind farm needed a cable system for the cost-efficient transmission of green power.

Reference Map Baltic

The solution

We contributed to the pioneering project by supplying a reliable infield and export cable system.

“Our partners benefit from our outstanding product quality and our great performance at sea.”
HV Offshore Baltic project preparation

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