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HV Offshore Burbo bank project cable shipment

Burbo Bank, UK

NKT was part of the Burbo Bank offshore wind farm extension project. The original Burbo Bank offshore wind farm is situated on the Burbo Flats in Liverpool Bay (UK) and receives the full force of the wind from the Irish Sea in the west, making it an ideal location for offshore wind power generation.

Key Facts



Total cable route length

34 km

Location of the project

Liverpool Bay, UK


2014 - 2016

Quantity of order

220 kV AC cable system with a 258 MW power rating


The project

The offshore wind farm extension project must be connected by a secure transmission link.

Reference Map Burbo Bank

The solution

A complete HVAC cable system including both submarine and underground cables.

“With quality in focus we manufactured, delivered and installed all parts of the cable system according to the time schedule, even though the weather conditions were all but favorable.”
HV Offshore Burbo bank project cable shipment

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