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HV Offshore Horns Rev 3 project cable laying

Horns Rev 3, Denmark

The Horns Rev 3 wind farm is located in the North Sea, about 30 km off the western-most point of Denmark, Blåvands Huk, and not far from the city of Esbjerg. The 400 MW (megawatt) wind farm has the capacity to supply electricity to around 400,000 households.

Key Facts



Total cable route length

32 km

Location of the project

The North Sea, Denmark


2014 - 2016

Quantity of order

220 kV HVAC cable system with a 400 MW power rating


HV Offshore Horns Rev 3 project cable laying
HV Offshore Horns Rev 3 project cable laying

The project

The offshore wind farm platform needed a high quality, high-voltage connection to shore.

Reference Map Horns Rev

The solution

A turnkey submarine AC cable system solution with impressive cable diameter.

“NKT actively support the increased utilization of renewable power with our technical know-how and our ability to manufacture and install high-voltage submarine cables.”
HV Offshore Horns Rev 3 project cable laying

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