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HV Offshore Nordbalt

NordBalt, The Baltic Sea

NordBalt is a joint project of the Swedish and Lithuanian TSOs (transmission system operators) Svenska kraftnät and Litgrid AB. It is part of Lithuania’s long-term strategy to secure its energy independence by interconnecting the power grids of the Baltic countries with other grids.

Key Facts


Svenska kraftnät, Sweden and Litgrid AB, Lithuania

Total cable route length

453 km

Location of the project

The Baltic Sea (Sweden-Lithuania)


2010 - 2015

Quantity of order

Turnkey ±300 kV DC cable system solution with a 700 MW power rating


The project

The NordBalt HVDC link interconnects the power grids of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia with those of the Nordic countries.

Reference Map NordBalt

The solution

We provided a HVDC cable interconnection for the transfer of power in either direction between the two power grids on each side of the Baltic Sea.

“The high-voltage cable system interconnects grids and offers environmental benefits.”
HV Offshore Nordbalt

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